About me
Julia Dacey IBCLC
Many, many women have gone before you, breastfeeding in the most diverse circumstances. And you can follow them.
~ Amy Brown
The IBCLC title is the highest-regarded professional qualification in breastfeeding knowledge and support. The qualification is not just academic, but also the result of completing over 1000 hours of clinical experience working with breastfeeding mothers and babies.
My professional experience
Working on a neonatal unit has given me a passion for helping families to have the best feeding journey they can whether breastfeeding, combining breast and bottle or exclusively bottle feeding. All families should be able to access the right support especially when things are not going to plan. I also believe that being prepared for your new role as a parent can help improve your well being and reduce the chance of feeding issues when baby arrives.
My experiences as a feeding mother
To any mother, including myself the expectation of breastfeeding can mean so much. You expect it to be a beautiful, years long experience that will be the best possible start for your baby. You judge yourself compared to what you see, read and other breastfeeding mothers.
But when you start to experience pain, or frustration or find yourself crying from the stress you begin to question everything. I have had good and bad feeding journeys with my children, but during the worst periods it did not matter what my plan was.
My own research, my experiences as a neonatal nurse and just my own preference did not matter. I was exhausted, I wanted the pain to stop, I wanted the emotional rollercoaster to end. Fortunately I did manage to find help and after a tongue tie release I did manage to carry on my intended feeding journey and my overriding memory is of that first feed after the release that was pain free.
My goal
Over the years I have spoken to so many parents that wished they had the support to achieve the feeding journey they wanted. Not all parents go through the same experiences and the answers may not always be the same - but that is why I trained as an IBCLC.
It’s my goal to give every parent the best chance of maintaining and achieving their desired feeding journey without having to go through all the pain and emotional experiences that I and many others have.